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Manifesting more bullshit

Heather Maio • December 6, 2020
Manifesting sounds like a weird out there “woo” term. Something that chic’s with crystals tell you to do (raises hand).

Manifesting takes work, diligent mental effort, speaking things into existence, and actions to bring something to fruition.  

All those things together make actual magic.


Can dig you into an awful hole.

Stick with me.

How many times this year have you said something like “at least it can’t get worse”  then gone on to complain about all the bad things happening around you or to you?

That is manifesting. Manifesting for shit to get a lot worse.

Every time we complain, bitch, and moan we are giving our negative, unproductive thoughts power. 

Every time we throw ourselves a pity party about how awful things are, how bad we have it, all the horrible things happening to us we are lowering our energy and telling the universe exactly what we expect to continue to happen.  

We are what we speak. We are what we believe. We are our actions. If we believe life is just kicking us when we are down that is exactly what we are calling in more off. Yikes.

Have you ever noticed how some people always complain? Always have something wrong, or a negative aside to add to any conversation. The people who will tell you everything that can go wrong before even thinking about what can go right…. 

Those are bullshit manifestors.  

You do not want to be a bullshit manifestor.  

Think carefully about what information you consume. What are you seeking out? Are you truly trying to educate yourself or are you looking for justification of your fears and anger?  

What about your words? I am not throwing stones from my glass house here. Trying not to bitch in 2020 is like trying not to blink…. It is impossible. But HOW MUCH you bitch AND who you are bitching to matters. 

Venting is part of the process for almost everyone. Venting is something that can be cathartic but is risky territory.

Because venting often turns into dialogue (in an echo chamber) and that leads us to speculation.  

You know what speculation is: crap. It is crap. It is someone's opinion often based in fear. 

I will not listen to speculation on the gym being closed until XXX. No thanks. I don’t want any ones OPINION on when things will return to “normal” unless it is completely optimistic.   

Put on your rose-colored glass or stay the f way from me with any negative vibes.  

Do not vent to someone who will affirm everything you are saying

You may THINK you want someone to justify your anger, but you don’t. You want someone to say, “I HEAR YOU and I AM SORRY YOU ARE EXPERIENCING THIS”. (write that down and next time someone comes to you bitching- do this). 

You don’t want someone to agree with you, and worse, tell you all the other horrible things that are or could be happening because of whatever you are bitching about. It is only going to fuel your anger and anxiety about the current situation.  

I Will not manifest bullshit rule # 1: Before you complain, breathe. Pause. Step back before you react.  

Most of the time all we need is some distance from the problem. Have a small circle you vent to and keep it short. Do not let them suck you in deeper into your bullshit.  

Maya Angelou said “if you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain”.

Byron Katie said, “when you argue with reality you lose 100% of the time”.

I say complaining is calling in more of what you don’t want. 

It is CHOOSING to focus on the negative around you. You ever notice that when you are running late you seem to hit all the red lights? That when you are “feeling fat” nothing fits? Pay attention to what you focus on, it grows.

Being negative is easy. I will be bold enough to say it is lazy. It is hard to keep a positive attitude now, it takes work, but I’d rather work on that then live in the gray cloud of something else going to go wrong alternative.  

There are negative headlines all around us. Scroll on Facebook for 5 seconds and you will find 10 reasons to be 
scared/angry/annoyed. Finding things to be happy about takes some work right now. 

Ask yourself honestly, what are you working on? Your bullshit or your happiness?  Those are the only choices.    

“It can’t get worse” is a challenge and the universe has jokes, stop saying it. Replace it with “on the other side of this is something amazing”, “we will get through this and be better, stronger, happier for it”.  

(and if you don't believe that, fine, but please see above; stay away from me with your shit vibes.  As Wayne Dyer said: I am realistic.  I expect miracles).  

No one is suggesting laying back and taking life as it happens, I am suggesting we accept life, and if something happens that we do not enjoy we must:

Stay objective: Is it as bad as we think? Really think about it. Go ahead and list all the bad things happening to you, then list every reason you STILL have to be grateful for.  We do not have to look that hard to see 100’s of reasons to stop bitching.  I hate to think in terms of "they have it worse", but right now a lot of people have it A LOT worse then we think we have. 

Be honest: Can we do something to change it? Sometimes we are our biggest problem.  

Are you making your situation worse? Yes, we are stuck at home, letting your kitchen go to shit and your healthy habits take a back seat is basically saying to the universe “keep it coming, I am going to just wallow in it…."

Stay open: Maybe it is a lesson, instead of bitching pay attention (so it doesn’t happen again).    

I know 2020 has been kick in the balls after kick in the balls, but even with incredibly sore (theoretical) nuts we all have so much to be grateful for. 

Remembering that and (more importantly) saying THANK YOU for that calls more of what you WANT.  

Always focusing on, bitching about, and stressing about everything going wrong calls in more of the negative.    

What you focus on grows.  Choose your focus wisely, you are asking for more of it. 

Clearly mindset matters, and if you can change the way you look at things the things you look at change.  If mindset is something you struggle with check out my January program
Evolve or Repeat

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