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New Moon Magic

Heather Maio • December 12, 2020

A New Moon Ritual.

I am not an expert here. I don’t believe anyone is. We are all simply tuning into self and doing what best suits our needs. (Learn to lean into your magic, what works for you, cool stuff happens).  The following is my process. Take whatever you need, and if something does not suit you, leave it. Adjust as often as needed. 

Most of what I learned came from four sources, Magdalena at My Metaphysical Maven, my dear friend Jaclyn (found on Instagram at @mindbodysoulsparks), Kate Northrup’s book Do Less, and most importantly, tuning into myself. I encourage you to do the same. Learn for women who inspire you and use that knowledge to craft your own ritual.

Because that is exactly what every new moon is for me, a Ritual. It is a ceremony; it is sacred, and it is celebratory.  

This is still for those of you not into the “woo” or “woo curious”. What harm could come from checking into yourself twice monthly. If you are not into the Moon and its magic that is cool. Come up with two days that you can do some self-evaluation. Nothing bad will ever come of taking time to get to know yourself better, questioning your desires and shedding your bullshit.  

The new moon is when I set intentions, plant the seeds of starting fresh. But. You can’t plant seeds on top of weeds, you have to hoe everything out in order to grow…

That is exactly what I use the new moon for. A time to rip out the roots and mess of everything that is not serving me to make room and invite more of what is working and my desires in.   

The new moon is the perfect time to start fresh, and as the moon grows so will your upgraded habits.  

Because I believe clearing out is crucially important before you bring new in, the first thing I do every morning of a New 
Moon is change my sheets.  

Hear me out. First, changing your sheets twice a month is something I have to do anyway, I use the moon as my reminder. 

On a metaphysic level I am shedding unwanted energy, I don’t want to get back in bed with it after… 

Removing my sheets, I leave my bed uncovered for the full day, opening all the curtains, and cracking the windows – even on the cold days heating bills be damned – I want any negative energy gone. I have a huge Selenite (a crystal known for its cleansing properties) I lay across where my chest rests every night. Sometimes, when I feel deep in my bullshit or too effected by others (hello 2020) I make a simple cleansing “rub” placing sea salt and baking soda in a bag and sweeping it over my mattress towards the open window, kindly letting any negative energy to know to GTFO.

I do my best to get some deep cleaning done that day as well. Its practical, it is all shit that needs to be done anyways, why not use the moon to do so. Setting an intention before I start of getting rid of any “junk” and dirt around me.   

We can’t start new surrounded by our old bullshit.  

These things happen every new moon, sometime very basis, I am changing the sheets and cleaning some toilets. Totally sexy stuff. Other times it is more, this new moon will be one of them. Like most of you, I am over 2020, and ready to rid my home of all its garbage.  

After the physical process is done, I go inward…. What of MY junk do I need to clear?

Some will tell you to release during a New Moon, shed everything that is not serving you to make room for more of what is. 

That is typically what I do UNLESS I am ovulating during that time.  

You read that right.

I use my menstrual cycle to manifest.  

Do not knock it till ya try it, it is magic.

Most women who are not on hormonal bitch control will sync up with the moons schedule. There is no normal or correct time to menstruate, please do not feel that if you are off you are doing something wrong if your clock is different. If you do not track your cycle, start. It will give you incredible insight into how you can be more productive, have great workouts, and give yourself grace because we NEED rest during the month.  

Back to the moon, most of the time I am menstruating with the New Moon, I am shedding on a physical level, which means it is the perfect time for me to shed on a metaphysical level.  

Giving myself some quiet time away from everyone including my family I write down everything I wish to rid myself off. Bad habits that have been plaguing me. Everything from being overly judgmental to being on my phone to much. Eating shit that isn’t serving my highest good to feeling the need to always produce or be on.  

The energy of the new moon aids in riding our bodies and minds of toxins. Shed what isn’t working to make space for what is. 

Shed bullshit to make room for the good shit.  

Now the manifesting. In asking for help releasing everything that isn’t helping me be my highest self I am asking for assistance BRINGING IN things that will.

Bad behavior doesn’t get rewarded, we all know that. I view manifesting exactly the same. I can not ask for more success if I am barely managing the responsibilities currently have. (or complaining about them....)  I can’t ask for help treating my body better if I am eating like a dumpster. Setting an intention to drop all the negative shows the universe we are aware of our downfalls and actively working to change them. (and again, woo or not, you can not start something new deep in your old habits! Going inward is never a bad thing).  

If the New Moon falls when I am ovulating then my process looks more like manifesting, less shedding.  

My belief, and what I have found works best for me in using the new moon to shed, as the night sky is clear, open, the moon is not visible but still very much present. This is like a woman working on herself, we do not see it until she is ready to be seen. Biologically during menstruation is a time to relax and go inward. If the new moon is on or around that time, then that is exactly what I am doing.  

Full moon (ovulation) is a time to be seen, to be out there, social, and aggressive. Biologically that is when we are at our peak every month feeling our best, which like a full moon begging to be looked at, is the perfect time to play big and ask for whatever you want. (again, read the post on manifesting).

Writing everything down I do not want to continue is checking in. It is a time to be brutally honest with myself and shine a light on all the shit that isn’t working. It becomes easy to spot patterns, there were only so many months I could write “reduce screen time” before I got so sick of myself and did it. Again, this isn’t just for Woo people. This is for everyone.  

No one can be attached to their bullshit and their growth. Check in with yourself every month and make sure you are moving forward.

Ask for help. This is a prayer. This is surrender. Acknowledging that there is so much going on that is so much bigger than ourselves. That everything, even though it may feel like a kick straight to the tits at first has a way of making us better. It is asking for help seeing that and seeing yourself for the magic you are. 

Which is what bringing me to my favorite part of the whole process. Burning my bullshit. 

Because it is not mine. It is just shit I picked up along the way. So, I let it go freely, turning from a thought, to a word, and to smoke… its baptism every single month.  

Maybe she is born with it, maybe it is Maybelline…. I believe it is the same with all this Woo crystal stuff.

Is it the manifesting and Citrine laying around that is making my life better? Or the work I AM DOING that is pushing it along.  

It is me. The same is true for you. I can write all the intentions, manifestations and ask for help shedding everything… but if I do nothing to help the process nothing happens. WE are the magic we have been waiting for.

But… I believe deeply the woo helps so long as it is not treated like a quick fix. A crystal bracelet and burning sage won’t help you. You must help you. When you show up, and show the universe you are showing up, THEN the cool shit happens….

Happy New Moon Babies. Get to work.  

need help finding your magic?  I have three spots left in my January program, I would love to have you! 

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