These things must happen together. You can work your ass off for something but if you do not believe it is yours to have you will never keep it. (We see this happen all the time. This is the person always dieting, chasing some smaller tighter version of themselves and never appreciating the body they are in right now).
Someone who has the “dream” home but never happy in it, always up in Target looking for another throw pillow. You know these people, maybe you are these people. The ones who on paper have it a lot going for them, so much to be thankful for, yet still unhappy and living on a low-level frequency. Bitching and complaining about everything.
Here is the wild thing;
these folks are manifesting too… bitching and complaining is bringing IN more bullshit to their lives. You know the quote “be the energy you want to attract”?
Ask yourself often, what are you attracting?
If our thoughts, our words, and our actions create our reality why can’t we use those things to create the reality WE CHOSE? I believe (largely) we can.
I do not consider myself an expert on the topic, I have made some cool shit happen in my life. Here is what I did- and what I believe whole heartedly makes dreams into reality.
Step One: Be Grateful NOW.
Stop chasing happiness. Do not fall for the trap that happiness is a goal weight or jean size. A new house or a bigger kitchen. A better job or an upgraded car. Happiness is not a destination.
Happiness is a state of being. If you can not tap into that energy NOW, you will never be happy with more. (you probably won’t get more either…)
Be obsessively grateful.
Wherever you are right now stop reading this, put your phone down and look around. Look around at all the beauty around you. See your home, the place that gives you shelter, that keeps you and your family warm. Look at your children and see the miracles they are. Your job that supports you, the car that allows you to get to where you need to go, on and on. I don’t care how salty you are about your day currently, if you start looking for things to be grateful for you will find many. It is your job to do that.
Focusing on the negative only makes the negative bigger
(read that again).
If you want any changes in your life start with being grateful for what you already have and where you are right now.
Step Two: Have some respect…
You are a divine being. You are literal star dust. I am not big into organized religion, but I know God is real, I see her/him/it every single day. Understand that God/The universe is in you and respect that.
This is how you eat, how you sleep, how you move and how you talk to yourself. This has NOTHING to do with how you look, it respects who and WHAT you are.
This is alignment.
You would never go to a house of worship, say a prayer, and then kick over the alter. Same exact concept.
You are connected with the same exact energy you are trying to tap into. Bigger than that,
you ARE that energy.
Respect it.
Anyone who has worked with my knows my love of this quote; a Sanskrit phrase I heard years back while attending Corning Community College in a 1 credit meditation class I needed to keep me full time. I had ZERO interest in meditation, but that became a tipping point in my life. (You are always exactly where you need to be. I hated myself back then, looking back now that girl was doing the best she could- and I am so grateful for her…)
Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo; translating to;
I bow to the Creative Wisdom. I bow to the Divine Teacher Within. I take that as:
I bow before my highest self.
We are walking magic; we must respect that to tap into something bigger than ourselves.
If you do not believe in a power bigger then what we are I truly am sorry for you (and I have no idea why you are reading this).
See yourself as whatever energy you are trying to tap into and treat yourself LIKE that energy. Take care of yourself, it is an extremely powerful form of alignment that (I believe) SCREAMS to the universe you mean business!!
(this is soooo important if you have any body related goals; and if you are curious about how to tap into that magic sign up for my January group….)
Step Three: Quit your bitching
2020 is on some real bullshit, I get it. I am not throwing stones from my glass house either, late March- alllll of April (and some of May, June and July, and still now! Very much a work in progress over here) saw me doing my share of bitching and complaining.
Why me. Why my gym. Why my kids getting no in school education. Why can’t I find toilet paper and ground turkey?
Bitching. Bitching with no purpose other than spewing more negativity into an already negative situation.
Bitching does nothing productive. Complaining breads more complaints.
If your focused on the negative that is exactly what you will see. Stop falling victim to that immediately.
We NEED our collective energy to improve.
You will never ever ever get something better by hating what you have. You get something better by acknowledging what you have (or where you are) and DOING something different.
IF you want change stop complaining. Stop bitching. Stop whining. Start appreciating. Look for opportunities. See the infinite number of good things you can still be thankful for in this moment and say thank you.
The universe doesn’t reward salty bitches…
Step Four: ASK
This seems obvious but it is easy to miss. This is a prayer. A conversation with God and/or the universe.
Women have some weird condition where we are scared to ask for what we want, and worse than that, we don’t even know what we want! We are scared to ask ourselves what our dreams are, what would fill us with joy, pride, and a sense of purpose. What lights our soul on fire!?
Ask YOURSELF what you want. Let yourself DREAM.
Sit down with a pen and paper and write. Do not judge what comes up. Let your soul speak through you.
Step Five: You better work.
If you think you are going to sit in your recliner and ask the universe to get you out of some jacked up situation without getting off of your ass and doing something about it too, you are all the way wrong.
Work and manifesting go hand and hand.
Maybe she is born with it, maybe its Maybelline. Same concept. Maybe you just worked your little butt off for that dream job, or maybe the universe conspired with you to always place you in the perfect situation that lead you right into that office chair.
Whatever you want; work for it.
This shows the universe you mean business. You do not get a membership at the gym and expect to lose weight. You show up. Let the universe know you will show up!! Do that and she will make it easier for you OR (real cool!) give you even more then what you asked for cause she sees what a capable little bad ass bitch you are!
Step Six: Own it, Live it, BE IT
Manifesting is believing anything is available to you.
You must believe what you are asking for is a possibility. I wouldn’t manifest sitting with the Queen of England and having Tea, I COULD- it isn’t wholly impossible, it would take an outlandish amount of work that I am not willing to do. BUT being interviewed by Oprah? That is arguably just as lofty a wish, however I am wiling to do whatever I need to do to make that happen. I am going to live my life as if is already planned. That means writing often, putting my heart into my work at that gym, putting all my energy into every group I run. Being the type of person Orpah would want to talk to which just so happens to be the type of person I want to be.
Act like are already contracted in the stars.
(if you have ever read any personal development book you have heard this phrase).
Act as if whatever you are working for is already yours.
Dress for the dream job. Clean your house like it is the Pinterest Castle of your Dreams. Show up to the gym with full confidence, eat like you are taking the absolute best care of yourself because you are a healthy person who respects her body.
Be who you want to be.
From the moment you wake up until the second you go to bed.
Be the energy you want to attract. It is not enough to ask. You must BE and believe it is yours.
Step Seven: Let it go
Drop attachment to a specific outcome. Do not fret about the end goal, that is the universes hands now. Simply do the work, act as if it is already yours or already contracted and its way!
Manifesting a dream car will not work. Manifest a situation that you provide you the MEANS to buy that dream car AND make sure it is in alignment with service.
Wanting to be skinny improves absolutely nothing around you.
Wanting to be the best possible version of you improves EVERYTHING around you.
Wanting a bigger house doesn’t help the world heal, but it doesn’t mean you can’t still envision yourself there! However, stop putting your energy into that house and put it into what is would take to get you there. See the house AND do the behaviors that will get you in the door, be the absolute best at your job; be fully present and engaged to get yourself a fat raise. In doing that you help the people around you AND get your goals.
If you feel like you are manifesting and seeing nothing it is most likely because you are being selfish with your wants. The manifests (dreams!) that get heard and answered are the ones in alignment with service and for the greater good of everyone around you.
“Manifesting is not about attracting what you want. Manifesting is an awareness and understanding that you attract what YOU ARE”
Wayne Dyer
Be the energy and attract some beautiful things….