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Heather Maio • January 12, 2021
Affirmations: Magical words that will change your life.

Little nuggets of WOW that will inspire you and hold you accountable all day long.  

There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. William Shakespeare

There are between 45,000 and 51,000 different thoughts that cross our minds in one day. That’s 150 to 300 thoughts per minute. And unfortunately, for most people, 80 percent of these thoughts are negative. It is possible to reverse this negative aura by affirmation.

What is your self-talk? Would you choose to listen to it on the radio?  

I listen to Podcasts and Ted-talks anytime I am in the car. I had a funny thought the other day, listening to yet another Rah-Rah un-fuck your mind get out of your own way chat. If we played the thoughts we listened to, the internal dialogue we have with ourselves when we look in the mirror, make our lunches or perform mindless tasks, it would be like a bizarre world Podcast. Something you listen to if you want to put yourself in a shitty ass mood and ruin our whole day.  

Of course, some thoughts are positive, and most are neutral. But what do we pay the most attention to? Negative ones.  
I am fat. I am tired. I am bored. I am depressed. I need more money. I do not have a ___. I will never be a ______.  
We give all our negative thoughts so much power, which isn’t our fault, really. 

It is biology. We are programmed to pay more attention to the negative things around us. This kept our ancestors alive years ago. But now, we are not being chased by tigers. Food is readily available. It is time to get out of our own way and state paying more attention to the positive. Making those thoughts, the ones that make us feel good and are in alignment with who we want to be our default.  

Affirmations are sentences aimed to affect the conscious and the subconscious mind so that, in turn, they affect our behavior, thinking patterns, habits, and environment. They are a few words that can reprogram how we see ourselves, how we treat ourselves, and how we view the world around us.  

In short, affirmations are the shit.  

They motivate. Affirmations are basically short versions of your favorite feel-good song, the song that whenever it comes on, you can’t help but shake your ass and smile.

They keep the mind focused on a goal. I LOVE affirmations for this reason. I have a big goal for this year, and every single morning I write an affirmation that supports it. This reminds me every day of who I want to be and keeps moving towards that goal easier because I am constantly reminded of it. The trick here: say them in the present tense. Whatever you want to be, you are. As soon as you START, you are. (read that again).  

Think about this with the most famous goal of them all, “I want to lose weight.” That alone is shit. WTF does it mean. I could shit myself for 3 days straight and lose weight? Did I reach my goal? No.  

You don’t want to lose some weight. You want to treat your body better, take better care of yourself, and be confident and feel good in your skin.  

THOSE are your goal. They are also your daily affirmations. Because, as soon as you start, you are.

I am a healthy person with healthy habits. I treat my body with respect and kindness. I show myself love and grace, giving myself nourishing food and moving with joy. I am a divine being, and I treat myself as such. I am healthy. I am strong. I am vibrant. 

I show myself love and respect. I am pure fucking magic. Being good to myself is easy!!

You get the point. I take these VERY seriously because I know how incredibly powerful they are. Every morning, I can’t tell myself that I am living my dream life than lay on the couch scrolling through Facebook all day. 

That is not in alignment. 

Using affirmations as a means to reach your goal is basically calling your bullshit. You told yourself who you were that morning, and it was a healthy, strong person, not a couch potato. Using affirmations every morning will basically shove your ass into motion to reach your goal.

They influence the subconscious mind and activate their powers. See above… how many times have you told yourself you were fat? How many days have you said to yourself you were so tired? So BUSY. Anxious. 

Stressed…. Those are all affirmations too. You are affirming your bullshit. Congrats.

Affirmations are already happening; it is your job to change them to work to your advantage. You know how powerful they are! Look to your past to prove it. Every time you told yourself something, you believed that shit.

If you want the opposite to be accurate, affirm it.  

Positive statements make you feel positive, energetic, and active. I am so tired turns into I have infinite amounts of energy. Use affirmations whenever you need to put yourself in a different mindset. If you believe how tired, bored, sad, angry, fat, annoyed you are, why can’t you consider how energetic, inspired, happy, healthy, joyous you are.  

You can. It is your bullshit at work if you think you can’t. Call it.   

Using affirmations every morning will be a game-changer. Put them all around you. There was a period when I was a single mom, broke, lonely hot mess of a person. I had them written on every mirror, hung on every cabinet, even on my dashboard. I needed them because the bullshit I was telling myself was not doing me any favors. 

I still start every day with them, at least three every morning. Sometimes it is 33… because there is no limit on what I am, there is no limit on what you are either.  

The truth is we can never control our thoughts. We will have negative bullshit creep in on our best days. That is life. But we can control what we pay attention to, what we believe.  

There really are only two choices; affirm our bullshit or affirm our growth….

I am strong.
I am powerful.
I am living my dreams.
I am creating my future.
I am the architect of my life.
I am love.
I am light.
I am kindness.
I treat everyone I encounter with love and respect. 
I am happy!
I am joyful.
I am healthy.
I am a healthy person with healthy habits.
I nourish my body, treat it with love and kindness.
I am magic.
I am a divine being. 
I am a living creation of God.
I am bright. 
I am confident.
I am proud.
I am guided by intuition. 
I am filled with drive and ambition.
I share my talents with the world.
I am guided by the divine.
I am moving in the right direction.
I am my true self.
I am my highest self.  
I am at peace.
My possibilities are endless. 
I have freedom and power. 
I am wise.
I am everything I need to be.
I am enough.  
(take what you need, use what you take 😘)

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