The thing keeping most people stuck is the thing people refuse to acknowledge.
Feeling stressed? I will up my CBD. Maybe I need anxiety meds. Maybe I need more anxiety meds.
But I will not stop drinking. I don't want to examine the role alcohol plays in my suffering. I can't acknowledge the thing I turn to that allows me to momentarily numb out is part of my problem.
I am not willing to work on my boundaries or face challenging situations. It is easier to medicate than it is to face…
Feeling off in our bodies? Blame hormones. Stress. (see above).
Forget lack of sleep, movement, dietary choices not in alignment with how you wish to treat yourself…. Forget drinking here too.
I will do anything to feel good in my body. But not that…
Lack of time? Too busy? No need to examine habits that regularly waste minutes, sometimes hours.
Occam's Razor is a principle born in philosophy that the simplest explanation is almost always the right one.
When it comes to our health and wellness, we forget this.
We blame the complex. We forget the likely cause of the problem is our bullshit.
We forget that almost all the time – we are the ones keeping ourselves stuck. We are the ones fucking up our lives.
We search for solutions in the complicated and convoluted. Believing the answer is always outside of us. In some secret we have yet to figure out, so we keep buying supposed solutions instead of examining the root.
Planting new seeds and completely ignoring the weeds taking over the garden.
Forgetting the fix is often right in front of our faces in the form of what we are refusing to acknowledge.
Refusing to stop doing. We remain comfortable in our bullshit, forgetting the trade off is the discomfort it creates for our future selves.
For years I tried to ADD to my life. Different diets, different protocols, exercises, programs, self-help books, more self-helps books.
Always adding. Never taking away. Never acknowledging what I needed to focus on: removing the behaviors and habits I had accumulated that at a time served a purpose - they allowed me to numb. But I didn't need them anymore, all they were doing now was keeping me stuck.
We can't become what we aim to be by keeping our bullshit.
We can't fulfill our potential by keeping our bullshit.
We can't step into our greatness when we refuse to step away from our bullshit.
Forget the idea that becoming means adding.
Almost all the time, the first step is removing.